

I saw this and just thought of that Friendly Fires album cover. It's a sculpture by Michel de Broin called Superficial.


Molten Light

Both the audio and visuals were done by Chad VanGalen, so the video is the complete vision of the artist.


Sophisticated Side Ponytail

Natalie Portman's Shaved Head new video for Sophisticated Side Ponytail, off their new album Glistening Pleasure.

The music sounds like a catchy SNL parody, but instead, the whole production is tongue-in-cheek. That's a lot of hours in after effects. Is that why it's only 1:32? Damn it's catchy.


Skeletal Lamping

A brand new of Montreal song gives a taste of what their eclectic new album Skeletal Lamping will sound like. This tune seems to keeps you guessing even more than songs from their previous album.

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